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Using Invisalign to reduce the facial profile

Overjet issues Why do you get an overjet? Sometimes teeth can move forward from thumb sucking or pen chewing and even from teeth grinding at night. Teeth grinding or clenching is caused by the cheek muscles that press onto the teeth, pushing the side teeth in and causing the front teeth to move forward. If […]

Why you should get your wisdom teeth x-rayed part 2

Most people still possess the terminal molars, also known as the 8’s or the wisdom teeth. In most cases there is not enough space for the wisdom teeth to grow, so they erupt at awkward angles and then get stuck. This impaction can cause gum inflammation, infection, pain and swelling. In certain cases the patient […]

What is Expanding the dental arch and why?

The dental arch is defined as the space within which the teeth sit in a comfortable uncrowded position. The width of the arch is usually wider than the depth, but this can vary amongst humans with disproportionate jaw length etc. The arch can narrow over time owing to teeth clenching muscle action, tongue thrust, thumb […]

Proclined teeth and the Eline

The E line The E line is an imaginary line drawn from the nose tip to the chin. In the ideal face the upper and lower lips sit just behind the E Line, with the lower lip being fuller being closer. Changes in the positions can be seen in patients who have : 1 Upper […]

Making patients safe when Dentistry reopens

COVID-19 has an impact on health-care professionals, including dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants. COVID-19 virus has been found in saliva, which puts the dental professional at risk. Furthermore, recently released statistics showing that the virus can live on up to three days on plastic and stainless-steel items, four hours on copper surfaces, and up […]

Invisalign during the Covid crisis

Invisalign works by providing staged aligners, that should be changed every 10-14 days. You should also be reviewed for spacings, buttons and misfitting during the process. Unfortunately with dentistry and the public in lockdown, we need to decide wether the Invisalign process should be continued or put on hold. Luckily for many of you, Forma […]

Finest Dental: What to do when a clinic closes

Finest Dental: What to do when a clinic closes A sense of loss Being a registered patient means that you have no access problems when you have a dental problem; you are recognised by the receptionist and the dentist and nurse know you very well.The dentist has maintained your oral health, patched up or maintained […]