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Why you should get your wisdom teeth x-rayed part 2

Most people still possess the terminal molars, also known as the 8’s or the wisdom teeth. In most cases there is not enough space for the wisdom teeth to grow, so they erupt at awkward angles and then get stuck. This impaction can cause gum inflammation, infection, pain and swelling. In certain cases the patient […]

The anatomy of SARS-CoV2 and how we clean surfaces in the dental setting

We will be moving to Optizil for future disinfection of surfaces: The arrival of SARS-CoV has changed how the world runs today. This is a virus that is highly infective and with severe consequences if you have it. Three strains, SARS-CoV (first reported in China, 2002), MERS-CoV (first reported in Saudi Arabia, 2012), and SARS-CoV-2 […]

Making patients safe when Dentistry reopens

COVID-19 has an impact on health-care professionals, including dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants. COVID-19 virus has been found in saliva, which puts the dental professional at risk. Furthermore, recently released statistics showing that the virus can live on up to three days on plastic and stainless-steel items, four hours on copper surfaces, and up […]

Do you have a V or a U shaped arch?

Do you have a V or a U shaped arch? How to widen the arch and instil confidence without metal braces. Miss M was a shy person with a poor smile but could not really afford Invisalign. She had absolutely no confidence.  She hated it that her front teeth were sticking out so much. She […]