Face changes with Invisalign extractions

Many of our patients want to have their teeth straightened especially when the teeth affect the lips or profile. Sometimes the lips are full and flaccid allowing tooth drift, or the patient could be a mouth breather allowing tongue thrust movements and tooth drift. In cases like these, the patients are looking for a dramatic […]
Severe crowding calls for tooth removal, but which ones?

Severe dental crowding usually necessitates the removal of 2 teeth per arch to create space and allow orthodontic correction. The 1st premolars 4/4 are usually removed, but sometimes the 5/5 may be heavily filled and are better candidates for removal. The problem however is that the 5/5 are further away from the anterior crowding and […]
Moderate crowding treated without metal braces

Having braces as a teenager is no guarantee that the smile will be acceptable in your early adulthood. Retainers given after orthodontic treatment are not designed to last too more than 1-2 years, and as a teenager you may still be growing. This patient was 22 years old with moderate upper and lower crowding, centre […]
Upper tooth drift related to a palatal tooth bump-Dens in Dente

Teeth can develop in many ways and sometimes an abnormal formation can cause occlusal/visual problems. Dens in dente is an extra cusp formation usually on the incisors, which can interfere with the bite or cause tooth drift. The Dens in dente or talon cusp can be made of enamel, dentine and even nerve tissue. It […]
Orthodontic relapse overjet treated with Invisalign

Most adults may have had orthodontic treatment as a teenager with NHS fixed braces. They go through the embarrassing 2 years of dental visits, extractions, fixed brace pain, sharp wires, tension headaches and bad oral hygiene. Then one day, finally the braces were off and they can rejoin the rest of the school as a […]
The only way is Out

How to reduce a large overjet with Invisalign Not all patients have had the benefit of orthodontic treatment, and as they get older the problem gets worse. Sometimes teeth have been orthodontically treated but without adequate retention, orthodontic relapse occurs. The protrusion of upper teeth can be from tongue, thumb or even lower lip forces […]
8 Reasons to choose FormaSmile.

1. Experts in our area With over 30 years’ experience in dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, Invisalign & Implantology you are in very experienced hands. Here at Forma we offer a personal tailor-made experience in a stress-free, relaxing environment and using the most advanced dental and cosmetic treatments currently available. 2.Variety of different dental treatments offered Invisalign […]
Fizzy drinks and tooth erosion part 2

Original Coke, original sin? The PH or acidity of a fizzy drink can dissolve enamel and dentine. Fizzy drink acid levels are usually below the neutral Ph of 7. At a ph of 7 there is no dissolution or movement of ions. Critical ph is that ph at which enamel dissolves in the oral environment, […]
Fizzy drinks and tooth erosion part 1

Coke, Pepsi, carbonated water and even Red Bull contain dissolved Carbon Dioxide; this gives the drink that fuzziness and zest. There is a new trend of Seltzer drinks, Seltzer water and even Seltzer alcoholic drinks; they all contain Carbon Dioxide. Unfortunately dissolved carbon dioxide creates a weak acid called carbonic acid. Acids can dissolve minerals […]
Why you should get your wisdom teeth x-rayed part 1

In general practice the dentist will normally examine you radiographically with 2 bitewing radiographs. These images will show most of the posterior teeth crowns and the bone levels. These images are great for detecting caries and or bone levels. Some dentists will routinely carry out panorama radiography called panorals, that shows both upper and lower […]