8 Reasons to choose FormaSmile.

1. Experts in our area With over 30 years’ experience in dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, Invisalign & Implantology you are in very experienced hands. Here at Forma we offer a personal tailor-made experience in a stress-free, relaxing environment and using the most advanced dental and cosmetic treatments currently available. 2.Variety of different dental treatments offered Invisalign […]
Fizzy drinks and tooth erosion part 2

Original Coke, original sin? The PH or acidity of a fizzy drink can dissolve enamel and dentine. Fizzy drink acid levels are usually below the neutral Ph of 7. At a ph of 7 there is no dissolution or movement of ions. Critical ph is that ph at which enamel dissolves in the oral environment, […]
Fizzy drinks and tooth erosion part 1

Coke, Pepsi, carbonated water and even Red Bull contain dissolved Carbon Dioxide; this gives the drink that fuzziness and zest. There is a new trend of Seltzer drinks, Seltzer water and even Seltzer alcoholic drinks; they all contain Carbon Dioxide. Unfortunately dissolved carbon dioxide creates a weak acid called carbonic acid. Acids can dissolve minerals […]
Finest Dental: What to do when a clinic closes

Finest Dental: What to do when a clinic closes A sense of loss Being a registered patient means that you have no access problems when you have a dental problem; you are recognised by the receptionist and the dentist and nurse know you very well.The dentist has maintained your oral health, patched up or maintained […]
What are Veneers?

What are veneers? In the old days the only way to cover up a tooth’s imperfections was to trim the tooth down for a porcelain crown. This was very destructive and involved all the surfaces of the tooth, even though it may only be the front of the tooth that is noticeable. A veneer is […]