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Upper tooth drift related to a palatal tooth bump-Dens in Dente

Teeth can develop in many ways and sometimes an abnormal formation can cause occlusal/visual problems. Dens in dente is an extra cusp formation usually on the incisors, which can interfere with the bite or cause tooth drift. The Dens in dente or talon cusp can be made of enamel, dentine and even nerve tissue. It […]

Start your Smile with Invisalign at Forma

Invisalign is the world’s most advanced clear aligner system. Only Invisalign clear aligners use SmartTrack material to shape your smile with precision, comfort and predictability. Here at FormaSmile we have been using Invisalign to create beautiful smiles since 2000 and have created over 1100 new smiles. Paula’s Patient Journey Paula came to Forma because she […]

Proclined teeth and the Eline

The E line The E line is an imaginary line drawn from the nose tip to the chin. In the ideal face the upper and lower lips sit just behind the E Line, with the lower lip being fuller being closer. Changes in the positions can be seen in patients who have : 1 Upper […]