Smile makeover case: 03

This lady came in for a consultation about tooth whitening. I noticed that she had 2 upper central porcelain veneers and discussed with her the very large proportions.
It was evident that the UR1 and UL1 had been veneered to close a midline gap, but the veneers were very wide and too long.
I advised that to restore the proportions and close the midline gap would require 6 veneers so that we can share out the gap anomaly.
The UR3 was pointing inwards, the UR2 was slightly rotated, the UR1 had an edge that slanted downwards. The UL1 had the opposite problem. The UL3 was slightly bulky.
We agreed and started treatment. The 2 veneers were removed and the other teeth prepared for veneers. The space problem was shared across the 6 veneers.
We chose an A1 shade to lighten the smile. The proportions having been restored.
Treatment time was 2 weeks including the initial consultation.
Chameleon porcelain veneers
Lab Castle Ceramics