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Moderate crowding treated without metal braces

Having braces as a teenager is no guarantee that the smile will be acceptable in your early adulthood. Retainers given after orthodontic treatment are not designed to last too more than 1-2 years, and as a teenager you may still be growing.

This patient was 22 years old with moderate upper and lower crowding, centre line shift, premolar rotation and some tooth wear of the incisors.

The 2 lower incisors were forward, which was causing the upper 2 front incisors to drift forward. The 2 upper lateral or side incisors then started to fall behind the front incisors.

All in all, an unstable situation.

We agreed Invisalign aligner treatment. It took 13 months with no teeth extractions. The patient attended every 6-8 weeks for review appointments.

The patient received 6 retainers that will last 5-10 years. #invisalign #clear braces # braces # crooked teeth
